Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yes, it actually rains in Tucson.

January 4, 2009

It’s raining in Tucson. It’s raining in the RV. A flat roof is a poor design indeed. It’s coming in through the opening where the air conditioner is mounted. Tony tilted the RV with a good slant so that it will help shed the water off to one side. The drip is significantly less, but the rain continues to fall, so, we’ll see.
There is much to learn with an ol’ RV; it comes as no surprise that a home on wheels can have a multitude of issues. Ironic that we opted to hit the road to have some time away from house construction only to have maintenance issues in our portable house instead. We’re still working the kinks out, but hopefully we’ll get it figured out without too many headaches.
Silver coating and caulking here we come—just as soon as the rain lets up. Looks like it’s supposed to rain some more tomorrow yet as well. Hopefully our slant will keep the indoor rain to a minimum until then. The man who works the desk at our Crazy Horse RV park here in Tucson commented, “It rarely rains here in Tucson.” Yeah, well, that’s alright. We needed to learn what all needs to be done to the RV before we enter Mexico. Better it should rain inside in Tucson than somewhere down on the Baja, where language and lack of facilities serve as barriers and added frustrations.

Just another day in paradise: learning, loving, and laughing together!

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