Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy New Year from deep within Mother Earth

January 2, 2009

Hello again! We’re having a pretty exciting day today. Currently we are “parked” on the side of 375, the bypass around El Paso, Texas. The tire blew out just a few miles into town after being in the desert for one hundred and thirty-six miles. I’m not sure which I’m more in awe of at this point—the Carlsbad Caverns that we walked through this morning—or the fact that we made five phone calls at five pm on a Friday evening and fortunately found someone willing and able to bring us a tire because, yes, we had yet to purchase a spare (the rim on our spare was busted). I said a thank you to all those who prevented us from breaking down somewhere in the desolate desert, where there are no service stations whatsoever, not to mention absolutely no cell service either. Yes, we are calling this episode “luck.” Lots of luck! Or, put another way, lots of guardian angels looking after us!
The cave was amazing I have to say. It was truly a sight to see. We both just kept saying “damn this is a BIG cave!” It was beautiful, spectacular, truly a natural wonder. I remember seeing signs for Carlsbad Cavern when down at the Lake of the Ozarks. I always wondered exactly where this place was that I saw advertised so frequently. Well, now I know. It’s at the southern most end of New Mexico, just a hop, skip, and a jump before Texas.
It’s funny; Tony and I both were interested in driving quickly through—actually around—El Paso, Texas. If we could have skipped the state of Texas altogether, then that would have been just fine with us. Ironically, we find ourselves stuck her e for the moment. But, soon, “within one hour” the Firestone guy will deliver us a new tire, all for the affordable price of 142 dollars and some pocket change. A tow alone (phone number #3 that went unused) would have cost us that I would imagine. Yes, we are lucky indeed.

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