Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our journey to and through Mexico, one flat tire at a time!

El Dorado, Spanish for Dolphin, is the nickname of our '86 Toyota Dolphin RV. So, we've named our blog El Dorado's travels. We have the obligatory hula dancer on the dash and have already begun collecting cool stickers to decorate the ol' gal.

We left Colorado the weekend after Christmas and headed due south for warmer weather. Our first stop was Roswell, New Mexico. We had to find out the scoop about Area 51 and the alien crash landing. We toured the UFO museum and research center and kept our eyes toward the sky for any other ETs.

Our favorite t-shirt we saw there had a crash of the space ship and one alien saying to the other, "I didn't say it was your fault... I SAID I was going to BLAME you!" Tony and I have been using that line regularly throughout the journey so far.

Okay, so I'm new to posting. I've been journaling for the past month while on the road and have some pictures as well to post to all who've been inquiring. So, let's see if I can figure this thing out. Should it not work, you know I'll be blaming Tony!

Hope all is well with our loved ones. Enjoy our postings. We head out Monday for southern Baja. When we find internet access again, we'll post some more. All prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated!!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, loved the t-shirt saying--it's my new goto motto as well! Love your blogs, sis!
