Friday, April 10, 2009

Mexico chapter comes to a close...

For all those holding their breath for us, you can let it back out! We made it back across the border without any difficulties.

We're in Irvine at present, staying with my best bud Jonathan and Mack. We'll be wandering up the Pacific Coast and into Canada hopefully for this next leg of the journey. I may even pop over to Egypt for a couple of weeks too! We'll see. I'll keep you posted.

We had a GREAT time on the Baja. There are many more stories to tell. We've gotten SO relaxed down there we haven't posted lately. I'll prod Tony to post some more as he's much more the story teller than me.

Happy spring to you all. We were enjoying perfect swimsuit weather and then, we headed north. Now we are in southern Cal and its actually quite nippy out. We even woke up to rain this morning, something we hadn't seen in the last 3 months. So, yeah, sunny Mexico, hangin' at the beach was just what the doctor ordered. Tony and I are like two goofy peas in a pod! We are well suited wanderers. We look forward to the next leg of our trip together.

Thanks to you all for your positive thoughts and prayers.


  1. Glad to hear Mexico was a success and that you've made it back across the border. Does your phone work now? Miss talking to you, but i love the blog!
